

Christadelphian Pastoral Sites

Carelinks Ministries - online gospel mission and pastoral literature in a multitude of languages. Specific help for those living with alcohol abuse.

Canadian Caring Network - Online Manual on various family issues, support and links within the Christadelphian Community

UK Care Group - The UK Christadelphian Care Group website, links and support

Australian Care Group Sites - main page with links to pastoral sites for Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Support, seminars, resources, etc.

"I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak,
and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said,
It is more blessed to give than to receive."
(Acts 20:35)

Related Sites by Christadelphians

    • Abuse - A Christadelphian Response - A Christadelphian Abuse Information page by the Christadelphian Support Services in NSW, Australia. Brief but to the point.

    • Child and Teenager Internet Safety Links - A selection of links that deal with child and teenager safe Internet use, written by the webmaster of

    • Hidden Hurt - A Domestic Abuse site written and maintained by myself, containing pages on types of abuse, effect on direct victim and witnessing children, PTSD, resources for the UK (mainly), personal stories, articles, and religious and spiritual considerations and more.


Other Christian Related Sites

    • Bullying and Spirituality - a good, thought-provoking article by BALMNET - Bullied & Abused Lives in Ministry - A Christian Support Group for Damaged Ministers, International and Inter-Denominational:

      "... something ... that crosses the denominational boundaries ... is a near-universal misunderstanding of the nature of psychiatric illnesses and injuries. All too often wounded Christians are further hurt as churches force on them spiritual diagnoses and spiritual solutions totally inappropriate to the problem."

    • ABC's of abuse - a very thorough list of "Things to watch for" (not a diagnostic tool) which may indicate that abuse is occuring in a child or adult that is unable to care for themselves. Part of the SURVIVORS OF SPIRITUAL ABUSE (SOSA) website.

    • Some Biblical Thoughts on Physical, Sexual, and Verbal Abuse - written by Catherine C. Kroeger, and part of the Christians for Biblical Equality website. A comprehensive list of scriptural verses which address violence and abuse and surrounding issues.

    • A Commentary on Religious Issues in Family Violence - written by Rev. Marie M. Fortune. An in-depth look at some of the issues facing victims of abuse and their Church leaders. Approaches from both Jewish and Christian perspectives. A must-read for anyone concerned with Domestic Abuse from a religious and spiritual angle.


Mental Health Links

    • Internet Mental Health - Site includes an authoritative descriptions of the 54 most common mental disorders including anxiety and eating disorders, depression and other mood disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, various personality disorders + dependency on alcohol, drugs, etc. Diagnosis, treatment, and research findings.

    • David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages - Probably the most comprehensive website on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder).

    • Clinical Depression - Understand it, treat it, beat it. A refreshing look at understanding and beating depression therapeutically. Especially recommended for those who are suffering.

    • Shame - Brief but well-written page on Toxic Shame, it's source and effect:

    "Guilt is feeling bad about one's behavior or performance. Shame is feeling bad about one's very being, one's sense of self. It's not "my actions were bad" it's "I'm bad." Guilt allows us to change our behavior, shame takes us more deeply into feelings of worthlessness or despair and is generally immobilizing."




If you have come across a website which you believe would be suitable for inclusion in this list, please send me an email at (this is not an active link to try and reduce spam!). Thank you.

This page was last updated June 2004