This site is intended to give us an opportunity of learning more about various Care Issues within our Community and how to address them.


The Problem

Within Christadelphia many of our brothers and sisters are suffering. There are cases of domestic violence, sexual abuse, child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders and mental health issues. While we as a Community can accept that these things happen 'in the World', we are less able to accept that they also happen within our ecclesias. The result for the person suffering is that they feel isolated, deeply shamed, faulty, confused and frightened. Though there are many loving Christadelphians who DO realise these very human problems exist, they are often at a loss as to how to handle the situation. While we have Care Groups and a few pastoral sites (at the last count it was 8 world-wide), the sites hardly touch on many of the issues and the Care Groups largely consist of brothers and sisters who often do not have the training to know how to respond.

The Aim

The aim of this site is to raise the awareness within Christadelphia of some of the issues and difficulties we encounter within our lives and ecclesias, try to consider them from a biblical perspective, and find ways of both addressing the issues, and caring for the person concerned. The aim is that this site can act as a starting point for discussion within Christadelphia, that it will help to heighten awareness and understanding and will in that manner increase the spiritual and practical support and care offered to those experiencing problems and difficulties.

My Hope

It is my hope that by increasing awareness, sharing experiences and opening up discussion those brothers and sisters who are suffering in silence and isolation will be helped and receive care within Christadelphia.

My hope is that we will be better able to minister unto one another, reflecting the love and compassion shown us by our Father.

This page was last updated May 2005